With regard to Artistic quality, China's demoratic development and economic development,
China's "Super Girl" should by no means be banned.
Reasons for choosing the topic
Large quantities of critics and socialist has raised warning flag , noting that the
downsides of "Super Gril" outweighs the upsides. As a students, I'm curious to find that whether this claim is ture and whether
"Super Girl" should be banned.
I found many references in NIE library and National library. Other related articles
are found online.
Synopsis of my paper
The paper analysized the upsides of "Super Girl" mainly in three areas. They are artistic
value, China's democratic development and China's economic developemt. One of the significant finding is "Super Girl" has
promoted the awakining of China's civil society and its general will. Overall, the paper concludes China's "Super Girl" should
by no means be banned.